The armies become demoralized with the appearance of three whales. While running with Crusch and watching the armies battle two whales who attack them, Subaru notices the difference in fighting strength and the gouged left eye in all three whales. This leads him to conclude that two whales are doppelgangers of the third that is keeping its distance from the armies and that they need to defeat that one. To draw the whale to the ground, Rem launches Subaru on an ice shard towards the whale. Subaru taunts it, and then falls towards the ground, using his smell of the Witch to draw it towards him and the Flugel tree. Rem catches Subaru, and the armies use magic and explosives to cut through the base of the tree, felling it onto the passing whale. Immobilized by the tree, Wilhelm slashes away wildly at the whale, killing it and avenging Theresia's death, and causing the other two to vanish. With the whale defeated, Subaru turns his attention to his original objective of saving Emilia and villagers from the Witch's Cult. In recognition of his courage, the Crusch and Anastasia camps provide some soldiers and knights for Subaru to destroy the cult that includes Wilhelm, Felix, and the Pearlbaton siblings, while the injured and weak (including Rem) travel back. A group of Anastasia's mercenaries provide further reinforcements, only for Subaru to learn that Julius is among them.